◎ 先徹底清潔並去除多餘的水份,擠出約米粒大小的黏著劑在假牙上,再均勻塗抹成薄薄一層勿太靠近假牙邊緣避免滲出
**Clean and dry your dentures completely.
**Put a few grains of adhesive cream on inner side of dentures, do not put them close to the edge of denture, in case of oozing.
◎ 載上假牙緊按數秒即可固定 ,想拿下來只要含點溫開水,就能加速黏著劑溶解 假牙上的黏著劑以溫水刷洗後, 用莉既淨假牙、牙刷洗淨劑浸泡,能充分去除頑強污垢使假牙、牙刷潔白,除菌99%
**Put on dentures and push tightly for several seconds to fit them.
**When you like to remove dentures, put some warm water in your month, adhesive is melted in warm water easily. You can take dentures off easily.
**To remove the adhesive from your denture with warm water. To soak your denture and tooth brush in the water with Genius denture cleanser tablets to make them clean and white; to sterilize 99%.